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To: All Governments of all types - national, state/province, local

Make Animal Abuse a Criminal Offense

Please also sign our petition on


Recognizing the inherent value and rights of all animals as sentient beings, deserving of protection from cruelty and exploitation,

Acknowledging the interconnectedness of animal welfare and human well-being, and the moral imperative to prevent acts of cruelty against animals,

Affirming the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions and ensuring equitable justice for victims of animal abuse,

Hereby establish this International Policy on Equitable Treatment of Animal Abuse as Criminal Offense:

Article 1: Definition of Animal Abuse

Animal abuse refers to any deliberate, malicious, or negligent act that causes harm, suffering, or distress to an animal, including but not limited to physical abuse, neglect, abandonment, confinement, exploitation,  mutilation, and killing.

Article 2: Equitable Treatment of Animal Abuse

Any person found guilty of committing an act of animal abuse shall be subject to criminal prosecution and treated just as severely as if such act were committed against said human being.

Article 3: Penalties for Animal Abusers

Penalties for animal abuse shall include but are not limited to fines, imprisonment, community service, and prohibitions on owning or working with animals in the future. The severity of the penalty shall be commensurate with the level of harm inflicted on the animal and the intent of the perpetrator.

Article 4: Restorative Justice and Rehabilitation

In addition to punitive measures, individuals convicted of animal abuse shall be required to participate in restorative justice programs aimed at addressing the underlying causes of their behavior and rehabilitating them to prevent future offenses.

Article 5: International Cooperation and Enforcement

Member states shall cooperate in the enforcement of this policy through mutual legal assistance, extradition, and sharing of best practices in animal welfare and law enforcement. Efforts shall be made to harmonize national laws to ensure consistent and effective prosecution of animal abusers across borders.

Article 6: "Eye for an Eye" Principle

In cases of severe animal abuse, where the harm inflicted on the animal is comparable to that which would be considered a serious offense if committed against a human, the principle of "eye for an eye" may be applied, where the punishment involves experiencing similar harm or suffering as inflicted on the animal.

Article 7: Implementation and Monitoring

Member states shall take all necessary measures to implement and enforce this policy within their jurisdictions, including the allocation of resources for investigation, prosecution, and victim support services. Regular monitoring and reporting mechanisms shall be established to assess compliance and effectiveness.

Article 8: Entry into Force and Amendment

This policy shall enter into force upon adoption by consensus of the participating states. Amendments may be proposed by any member state and shall enter into force following consensus agreement.

In Witness Whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized representatives of the participating states, have signed this International Policy on Equitable Treatment of Animal Abuse as Criminal Offense.

Please sign this petition if you believe that animals deserve better treatment and stronger protection under law. Together we can make a difference! 

Why is this important?

Recognizing the inherent value and rights of all animals as sentient beings, deserving of protection from cruelty and exploitation,

Acknowledging the interconnectedness of animal welfare and human well-being, and the moral imperative to prevent acts of cruelty against animals,

Affirming the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions and ensuring equitable justice for victims of animal abuse,

Hereby establish this International Policy on Equitable Treatment of Animal Abuse as Criminal Offense




2024-06-26 18:44:22 -0500