• Help Apple Valley Cats
    In order to create compassionate no-kill communities and achieve no-kill for cats nationwide, we need communities to support lifesaving programs like Trap-Neuter-Return [TNR]. The process is simple: cats are caught (often by volunteers), evaluated by veterinarians, vaccinated, spayed or neutered, and returned to their original outdoor homes, unable to have kittens. These programs are also proven to be the most cost-effective, veterinarian-approved, and animal-friendly solution for controlling and reducing free-roaming cat populations.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shelly S.
  • Return Los Angeles to No-Kill
    Every week, up to 100 dogs and cats are dying in LA's shelters, and conditions for both pets and people are dire. It doesn't have to be this way. There are programs and policies that can be implemented to save animal lives and protect the people that care for them.   By implementing no-kill programming, such as increased foster placement and adoption outreach, among others, we will ensure every life that can be saved, is saved.  
    3,648 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Keiko B.
  • Stop Changes to the Kansas Pet Bill
    Under the revised interpretation of the old statute, if 2 out of a litter of 6 kittens are sneezing or have ringworm, all the kittens (and mom) will be killed instead of being sent to rescue.  During the March to September time period, our rescue had 81 cats and kittens transferred to us from WAS in 2023. During the same time period this year, there have been had 18. That's 63 cats and kittens (or 77% less) that had easily treatable infectious diseases that were killed unnecessarily.  In 2023, over 25,000 animals (cats and dogs) found new homes through shelters and rescues in Kansas. That number will be dramatically lower in 2025 and lower still if action isn't taken immediately to stop the proposed changes.
    703 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Michelle D.
  • Stop Puppy Mill Sales in Maricopa County, Az
    More than 440 other cities, counties and states have already passed laws to stop the retail sale of pets sourced from commercial breeding facilities. It's time for our community to do the same. Puppy and kitten mills are in business to supply pet stores. The pets in these facilities often spend their entire lives in dirty, crowded cages for the sole purpose of producing as many animals as possible for the retail pet trade. Pet stores that obtain animals from these facilities are not an asset to our community. These facilities also produce puppies that are often sick, causing unsuspecting consumers to have to care for a new pet in need of expensive veterinary treatment. Milled puppies can also spread campylobacter, a dangerous, drug-resistant bacteria that is contagious to humans. In the past several years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) traced a multi-state outbreak of Campylobacter to pet store puppies. This is a public health risk in a time where public health should be a top priority. A humane pet sales ordinance will not prevent pet stores from doing business, but it will reduce the burden on our shelters and rescue groups by increasing pet adoptions. It will also benefit our local ethical hobby breeders by allowing them to provide responsibly bred pets directly to those who cannot find what they are looking for through adoption. Please consider protecting pets and consumers by passing a humane pet sales ordinance for our community.
    249 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kia P.
  • Protect New Jersey Cats
    Policy barriers at the state level make it more difficult for communities to adopt effective trap-neuter-vaccinate-return (TNVR) ordinances. As a result, community cat populations continue to grow and put stress on shelters that have limited resources. Community cats (aka stray or free-roaming cats) risk losing their lives simply because they've made a home in the outdoors. In many cases, they are brought to local shelters, where they are unlikely to get adopted because many of them aren't socialized to people. Trap-neuter-vaccinate-return (TNVR) is simple: Community cats are trapped, evaluated by veterinarians, vaccinated, spayed or neutered, and returned to their outdoor homes, unable to have kittens. By implementing TNVR, community cats continue to live in their outdoor homes after they’ve been spayed or neutered and vaccinated for rabies, keeping them out of shelters and freeing up resources for pets most in need of sheltering and care. New Jersey should not have barriers to humane, safe, and cost-effective management of stray cats that is known to be effective at controlling the cat population. State leaders need to hear from you, their constituents, that this matters to you and your community. Sign the petition to support New Jersey cats. Resources: https://www.felineresearch.org/post/issue-brief-what-to-do-with-feral-cats-examining-tnr
    1,434 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kaitlyn S. Picture
  • Stop Puppy Mill Sales in Fentress County
    More than 440 other cities, counties and states have already passed laws to stop the retail sale of pets sourced from commercial breeding facilities. It's time for our community to do the same. Puppy and kitten mills are in business to supply pet stores. The pets in these facilities often spend their entire lives in dirty, crowded cages for the sole purpose of producing as many animals as possible for the retail pet trade. Pet stores that obtain animals from these facilities are not an asset to our community. These facilities also produce puppies that are often sick, causing unsuspecting consumers to have to care for a new pet in need of expensive veterinary treatment. Milled puppies can also spread campylobacter, a dangerous, drug-resistant bacteria that is contagious to humans. In the past several years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) traced a multi-state outbreak of Campylobacter to pet store puppies. This is a public health risk in a time where public health should be a top priority. A humane pet sales ordinance will not prevent pet stores from doing business, but it will reduce the burden on our shelters and rescue groups by increasing pet adoptions. It will also benefit our local ethical hobby breeders by allowing them to provide responsibly bred pets directly to those who cannot find what they are looking for through adoption. Please consider protecting pets and consumers by passing a humane pet sales ordinance for our community.
    237 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Hunter C.
  • El Valle Unido para 90
    ¿Por qué es esto importante? Decirles a nuestros representantes que este tema nos importa es el primer paso para hacer posible un valle donde no se sacrifique a las mascotas. Ser “No-Kill” simplemente significa que somos una comunidad que actúa con la convicción de que todos los perros y gatos sanos y tratables deben ser salvados. Podemos hacer esto salvando tantas vidas como sea posible a través de la adopción de mascotas, la captura, la esterilización y el regreso de gatos a su lugar original, programas de hogares temporales con apoyo, la concientización y otros programas de apoyo comunitario. El punto de referencia actual para ser considerado “No-Kill” es salvar al 90 por ciento o más de los animales que ingresan a los albergues. Juntos, podemos lograr que nuestras ciudades puedan crear un futuro mejor para nuestros animales: podemos unirnos para alcanzar el 90% de salvamento. En los últimos siete años, se ha más que duplicado el número de albergues de los Estados Unidos donde no se sacrifica a ninguna mascota (es decir, los albergues de animales que salvan al menos al 90% de los perros y gatos que ingresan), pasando del 24% en 2016 al 57% en 2022. ¡Sabemos que esto también es posible en el Valle! Nuestra comunidad merece tener acceso a políticas y programas modernos que salven vidas. Como parte de nuestras familias, nuestras mascotas también son parte de la comunidad. Como parte de nuestra planificación urbana, debemos incluir y priorizar los servicios a los animales y que tengan acceso a recibir cuidados. El apoyo a nuestra comunidad incluye albergues y programas locales que se enfoquen en brindar soluciones seguras y positivas para los gatos y perros que ingresan a esos albergues. Es fundamental que nuestros representantes sepan que salvar perros y gatos es importante para nosotros. Al defender estos programas y colaborar continuamente con tu albergue local de animales, puedes formar parte de la creación de una comunidad más saludable para las mascotas y las personas. ¡Muestra tu apoyo firmando y compartiendo esta petición hoy mismo!
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victoria R.
  • Saving Cats in Our Community - Beeville, Texas, Bee County
    In order to create compassionate no-kill communities and achieve no-kill for cats nationwide, we need communities to support lifesaving programs like Trap-Neuter-Return [TNR]. The process is simple: cats are caught (often by volunteers), evaluated by veterinarians, vaccinated, spayed or neutered, and returned to their original outdoor homes, unable to have kittens. These programs are also proven to be the most cost-effective, veterinarian-approved, and animal-friendly solution for controlling and reducing free-roaming cat populations.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dara C.
  • Liderazgo de la ciudad, Odessa merece algo mejor
    ¿Porque es esto importante? El 83% de los tejanos creen que sus comunidades deberían adoptar pólizas que reduzcan la cantidad de perros y gatos sanos y curables que mueren en sus refugios. Los residentes de Odessa quieren que sus funcionarios sepan que apoyan la priorización de salvar las vidas de los animales de Odessa. La ciudad de Odessa ha rechazado ofertas de apoyo incluyendo una programación integral para salvar gatos. Mientras los funcionarios de Odessa han respondido a la crisis de las mascotas y la falta de recursos agregando restricciones excesivas sin ofrecer apoyo del refugio ni de la ciudad a la gente de Odessa. Los gatos comunitarios (también conocidos como gatos callejeros o que deambulan libremente) en Odessa corren el riesgo de perder la vida simplemente porque han creado un hogar al aire libre. Muchos de estos gatos prosperan viviendo al aire libre porque alguien en su comunidad los cuida. Estos programas utilizan atrapar-esterilizar-regresar (TNR) para salvar gatos. El proceso es simple: los gatos comunitarios son atrapados, evaluados por veterinarios, vacunados, esterilizados o castrados, se les cortará la punta de la oreja y se les devuelve a sus hogares al aire libre, sin poder tener gatitos. Se ha demostrado que programas que salvan vidas como estos son las soluciones más económicas, aprobadas por veterinarios y respetuosas con los animales para controlar y reducir las poblaciones de gatos comunitarios [o callejeros]. Es importante que sus funcionarios electos sepan que el acceso a los recursos para gatos, el salvamento de animales y la transparencia de los datos del refugio son importantes para la gente de Odessa. Su voz es una parte fundamental para garantizar que las mascotas y las personas en Odessa tengan acceso a estos recursos. Firme la petición para que los funcionarios de la ciudad sepan que este cambio es necesario y deseado. ¿Se ha visto afectado por este problema? Envíenos un correo electrónico para contarnos por qué esto es importante para usted. Para más información: Programación comunitaria para gatos: https://bestfriends.org/es/historias/articulos/programa-aver-atrapar-vacunar-esterilizar-regresar
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kaitlyn S. Picture
  • Odessa deserves better
    83% of Texans believe that their community should adopt policies that decrease the number of healthy, treatable dogs and cats that are killed in their shelter. Odessa residents want their elected officials to know they support prioritizing saving the lives of Odessa animals. The city of Odessa has rejected offers of support including comprehensive cat programming. Meanwhile Odessa officials have responded to the pet crisis and lack of resources by adding excessive restrictions without offering shelter or city support to the people of Odessa. Community cats (aka stray or free-roaming cats) in Odessa risk losing their lives simply because they've made a home in the outdoors. Many of these cats are thriving living outdoors because someone in their community cares for them. These programs use trap-neuter-return (TNR) to save cats. The process is simple: Community cats are trapped, evaluated by veterinarians, vaccinated, spayed or neutered, ear-tipped, and returned to their outdoor homes, unable to have kittens.   Lifesaving programs like these are proven to be the most cost-effective, veterinarian-approved, and animal-friendly solutions for controlling and reducing free-roaming cat populations.  It is important your elected officials know that access to cat resources, animal lifesaving, and data transparency is important to the people of Odessa. Your voice is a critical part of ensuring that pets and people in Odessa have access to these resources.  Sign the petition to let city officials know this change is needed and wanted. Have you been impacted by this issue? Send us an email to tell us about why this matters to you.  Reference the facts:  Community cats and public health: https://www.felineresearch.org/post/issue-brief-feral-cats-and-public-health  TNR and population management: https://www.felineresearch.org/post/issue-brief-what-to-do-with-feral-cats-examining-tnr  Cat health and welfare with TNR: https://www.felineresearch.org/post/issue-brief-feral-cat-health
    505 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Kaitlyn S. Picture
  • Valley Unites for 90
    Telling our representatives that we care is the first step in making a no-kill valley possible. Being no-kill simply means we are a community that acts on the belief that every healthy, treatable dog and cat should be saved. We can do this by saving as many lives as possible through pet adoption, trap-neuter-return, supported foster care programs, raising awareness, and other community support programs. Saving 90 percent or more of the animals who enter shelters is the current benchmark for no-kill. Together, our cities can create a better future for our animals — we can become united for 90. The number of no-kill shelters in the U.S. (i.e., animal shelters saving at least 90% of the dogs and cats that enter) has more than doubled in the past seven years, from 24% in 2016 to 57% in 2022. We know this is possible in the Valley too! Our community deserves access to modern lifesaving policies and programming. As part of our families, our pets are part of the community, too. We should include and prioritize animal services and access to care as part of our city planning. Supporting our community includes local shelters and programs that focus on providing safe and positive solutions for cats and dogs entering those shelters. It is crucial our representatives know that saving cats and dogs is important to us. By advocating for these programs and continued collaboration with your local animal shelter, you can be part of creating a healthier community for pets and people. Show your support by signing and sharing this petition today!  Reference and facts: https://www.nokillfacts.com
    600 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Kaitlyn S. Picture
  • Little Rock – our dogs need us
    Together we can make sustainable changes that save lives while creating a framework of support for the pets of Little Rock. Animals who end up at the animal shelter are part of this community and city officials need to know that the people of Little Rock care about shelter animals dying. In 2022, Little Rock Animal Village took in 2795 dogs and 1140 cats. While 86% of cats were saved, only 56% of dogs made it out alive. Little Rock is killing more dogs than anywhere else in the state of Arkansas. Supporting our community means supporting our shelter and programs that focus on providing safe and positive outlets for cats and dogs entering shelters. It is important your representatives know that saving cats and dogs is important to the people of Little Rock. In a recent poll, 78% of likely voters in Little Rock believe the shelter should adopt policies that reduce the number of dogs and cats being killed at the shelter as opposed to 6% that do not. All dogs in Little Rock deserve a chance at a happy, healthy life. By joining this effort, you can be part of creating a healthier community for pets and people. Show your support by signing and sharing this petition today!
    314 of 400 Signatures
    Created by David W.