Local Groups

End kill shelters in NC

[PLEASE EDIT THIS TO REFLECT WHAT YOU WANT TO WORK ON] This group serves as a hub for animal lovers of all types to share information and ask for help. We will work together to find solutions to keep pets out of shelters and in safe places. This group welcomes anyone who advocates for animals in our community.
2 Members
Christy P.

Dayton and Southwest Ohio Action Team

This group is for anyone in Dayton and the southwest Ohio region who loves animals and wants to be an advocate for animals, both online and on the ground. Our goal is to give a voice to homeless and all at-risk pets, and advocate for programs and solutions to keep them safe. Among those goals, we strive to put an end to the practice of de-clawing, encourage community members to adopt from their local shelters, end euthanasia, eliminate puppy mills, and implement a humane Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program to protect free-roaming community and feral cats.
2 Members
Kylie S.


[PLEASE EDIT THIS TO REFLECT WHAT YOU WANT TO WORK ON] This group serves as a hub for animal lovers of all types to share information and ask for help. We will work together to find solutions to keep pets out of shelters and in safe places. This group welcomes anyone who advocates for animals in our community.
2 Members
Linda S.

Bakersfield Action Team For Animals

[PLEASE EDIT THIS TO REFLECT WHAT YOU WANT TO WORK ON] This group serves as a hub for animal lovers of all types to share information and ask for help. We will work together to find solutions to keep pets out of shelters and in safe places. This group welcomes anyone who advocates for animals in our community.
2 Members
Donna S.

Critters Galore

It breaks my heart, as it no doubt, does yours too, when I see a critter on the side of the road, especially when there are NO houses in sight. How did he/she get there? This group serves as a hub for animal lovers of all types to share information and ask for help. We will work together to find solutions to keep pets out of shelters and in safe places. This group welcomes anyone who advocates for animals in our community.
2 Members
Michelle J.

Spirit of Animals

[PLEASE EDIT THIS TO REFLECT WHAT YOU WANT TO WORK ON] This group serves as a hub for animal lovers of all types to share information and ask for help. We will work together to find solutions to keep pets out of shelters and in safe places. This group welcomes anyone who advocates for animals in our community.
2 Members
Annette L.

Best Friends Animal Society - Hamilton High School

We will work together to find solutions to keep pets out of shelters and in safe places. We will also create a space for people to ask for help and information regarding animals. This group welcomes anyone who advocates for animals in our community. It is time to bring change to our own community and save countless lives through dedication, passion, and compassion.
2 Members
Richa C.

Action Team Lubbock

I want to create a group that can provide resources and advice for animal lovers of all types here in Lubbock. We will work together to find solutions to keep pets out of shelters and in safe places. This group welcomes anyone who advocates for animals in our community.
2 Members
Andrea W.

Dog Advocacy and Rescue Inc

The mission of Dog Advocacy and Rescue Inc is to seek proper justice for dogs and prevent further victimization of dogs at the hands of humans. Also, this group serves as a hub for animal lovers of all types to share information and ask for help. We will work together to find solutions to keep pets out of shelters and in safe places. This group welcomes anyone who advocates for animals in our community.
2 Members
Alan B.

Garden City Community Cats Project

Our mission is to significantly reduce the population of unaltered, free-roaming and colony cats in Garden City through Trap-Neuter-Return; and provide support to colony care-givers with food donations, loan of traps, and subsidized spay/neuter surgeries. Our city is without support from our city government. The the city's contract with the only area shelter was not renewed and our cats and dogs are not allowed.
2 Members
Donna B.