Successful Campaigns

Successful Campaigns
  • Petition to Reduce Public Health Risk by Passing a Humane Pet Store Ordinance in Oswego, Illinois
    As of 2015, Illinois has passed state-wide humane pet sale laws, effectively shrinking the market for puppy mills! Thank you for helping us protect our furry friends and pets.
    280 Signatures
    Created by Isha M.
  • Enact a Humane Pet Store Ordinance in Bloomingdale, Illinois
    As of 2015, Illinois has passed state-wide humane pet sale laws, effectively shrinking the market for puppy mills! Thank you for helping us protect our furry friends and pets.
    313 Signatures
    Created by Isha M.
  • Enact a Humane Pet Store Ordinance in St. Charles, Illinois
    As of 2015, Illinois has passed state-wide humane pet sale laws, effectively shrinking the market for puppy mills! Thank you for helping us protect our furry friends and pets.
    689 Signatures
    Created by Isha M.
  • Enact a Humane Pet Store Ordinance in Yorkville, Illinois
    As of 2015, Illinois has passed state-wide humane pet sale laws, effectively shrinking the market for puppy mills! Thank you for helping us protect our furry friends and pets.
    211 Signatures
    Created by Isha M.
  • Enact a Humane Pet Store Ordinance in Bloomington, Illinois
    As of 2015, Illinois has passed state-wide humane pet sale laws, effectively shrinking the market for puppy mills! Thank you for helping us protect our furry friends and pets.
    197 Signatures
    Created by Isha M.
  • Los Ángeles apoya a su comunidad y a sus gatos
    Este progreso histórico no podría haberse logrado sin usted. Gracias por mostrar su apoyo a los gatos de la comunidad. Casi 11 años después de que un tribunal ordenó una orden judicial que prohíbe Capturar-Esterilizar-Soltar (CES) respaldada por la ciudad, el consejo municipal de Los Ángeles votó unánimemente para certificar el Informe de Impacto Ambiental (EIR) final para el "Programa de gatos de la ciudad" y adoptar dos revisiones de ordenanzas relacionadas. Cuando firmó la petición del Programa de Gatos de La Ciudad, o envió un mensaje a su miembro del consejo municipal, mostró a los tomadores de decisiones que este tema es importante y que los residentes de Los Ángeles se preocupan por los gatos de la comunidad. ¡Gracias!
    98 Signatures
    Created by Carol R. Picture
  • Stop Puppy Mill Sales in Houston
    Houston has passed an ordinance to stop the retail sale of pets! Thank you to everyone who has signed and shared this petition!
    269 Signatures
    Created by Aleesia W. Picture
  • Los Angeles supports its community and its cats
    This historic progress could not have been made without you. Thank you for showing your support for community cats. Nearly 11 years after a court ordered an injunction prohibiting city-supported trap-neuter-return (TNR), the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to certify the final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for its “Citywide Cat Program” and to adopt two related ordinance revisions. When you signed the Citywide Cat Program petition, or sent a message to your city council member, you showed decision-makers that this issue matters and that LA residents care about community cats. Thank you!
    4,740 Signatures
    Created by Kaitlyn S. Picture